Over 500 K (per year) cervical cancer cases are reported with a high mortality rate (6–9%). Automatically detecting cervical cancer using the Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) tool at an early stage is important since it leads to successful treatment as pathologists. In this paper, we propose a tool that classifes cervical cancer cases from Pap smear cytology images using deep features. The proposed tool constitutes a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and a metaheuristic evolutionary algorithm called Opposition-based Harmony Search Algorithm (O-bHSA) for deep feature section. These features are classifed using standard classifers: SVM, MLP, and KNN. On two diferent publicly available datasets: Pap smear and liquid-based cytology, the proposed tool outperforms not only seven well-known optimization algorithms but also state-of-the-art methods. Codes are publicly available on GitHub.
Preview PaperProvide a FeedbackMachine learning is an efective and accurate technique to diagnose COVID-19 infections using image data, and chest X-Ray (CXR) is no exception. Considering privacy issues, machine learning scientists end up receiving less medical imaging data. Federated Learning (FL) is a privacy-preserving distributed machine learning paradigm that generates an unbiased global model that follows local model (from clients) without exposing their personal data. In the case of heterogeneous data among clients, vanilla or default FL mechanism still introduces an insecure method for updating models. Therefore, we proposed SecureFed—a secure aggregation method—which ensures fairness and robustness. In our experiments, we employed COVID-19 CXR dataset (of size 2100 positive cases) and compared it with the existing FL frameworks such as FedAvg, FedMGDA+, and FedRAD. In our comparison, we primarily considered robustness (accuracy) and fairness (consistency). As the SecureFed produced consistently better results, it is generic enough to be considered for multimodal data.
Preview PaperProvide a FeedbackInfertility has massively disrupted social and marital life, resulting in stressful emotional well-being. Early diagnosis is the utmost need for faster adaption to respond to these changes, which makes possible via AI tools. Our main objective is to comprehend the role of AI in fertility detection since we have primarily worked to find biomarkers and related risk factors associated with infertility. This paper aims to vividly analyse the role of AI as an effective method in screening, predicting for infertility and related risk factors. Three scientific repositories: PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus, are used to gather relevant articles via technical terms: (human infertility OR human fertility) AND risk factors AND (machine learning OR artificial intelligence OR intelligent system). In this way, we systematically reviewed 42 articles and performed a meta-analysis. The significant findings and recommendations are discussed. These include the rising importance of data augmentation, feature extraction, explainability, and the need to revisit the meaning of an effective system for fertility analysis. Additionally, the paper outlines various mitigation actions that can be employed to tackle infertility and its related risk factors. These insights contribute to a better understanding of the role of AI in fertility analysis and the potential for improving reproductive health outcomes.
Preview PaperProvide a FeedbackThe incredible expansion of online texts due to the Internet has intensified and revived the interest of sorting, managing and categorising the documents into their respective domains. This shows the pressing need for automatic text categorization system to assign a document into its appropriate domain. In this article, the focus is on showcasing the effectiveness of a hybrid approach that works elegantly by combining text-based and graph-based features. The hybrid approach was applied on 14,373 Bangla articles with 57,22,569 tokens collected from various online news corpora covering nine categories. This article also presents the individual application of both the features to explicate how they generally work. For classification purposes, the feature sets were passed through the Bayesian classification methods which yield satisfactory results with 98.73% accuracy for NaĂŻve Bayes Multinomial (NBM). Also, to test the robustness and language independency of the system, the experiments were performed on two popular English datasets as well.
Preview PaperProvide a FeedbackConvolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have made remarkable strides; however, they remain susceptible to vulnerabilities, particularly in the face of minor image perturbations that humans can easily recognize. This weakness, often termed as 'attacks', underscores the limited robustness of CNNs and the need for research into fortifying their resistance against such manipulations. This study introduces a novel Non-Uniform Illumination (NUI) attack technique, where images are subtly altered using varying NUI masks. Extensive experiments are conducted on widely-accepted datasets including CIFAR10, TinyImageNet, and CalTech256, focusing on image classification with 12 different NUI attack models. The resilience of VGG, ResNet, MobilenetV3-small and InceptionV3 models against NUI attacks are evaluated. Our results show a substantial decline in the CNN models' classification accuracy when subjected to NUI attacks, indicating their vulnerability under non-uniform illumination. To mitigate this, a defense strategy is proposed, including NUI-attacked images, generated through the new NUI transformation, into the training set. The results demonstrate a significant enhancement in CNN model performance when confronted with perturbed images affected by NUI attacks. This strategy seeks to bolster CNN models' resilience against NUI attacks.
Preview PaperProvide a FeedbackVenue: Proceedings of ACM Conference (Conference’17). ACM, New York, NY, USA
In this paper, we show that preprocessing data using a variant of rank transformation called 'Average Rank over an Ensemble of Sub-samples (ARES)' makes clustering algorithms robust to data representation and enable them to detect varying density clusters. Our empirical results, obtained using three most widely used clustering algorithms-namely KMeans, DBSCAN, and DP (Density Peak)-across a wide range of real-world datasets, show that clustering after ARES transformation produces better and more consistent results.
Preview PaperProvide a FeedbackProf. KC Santosh (Founding Director)
Dr. Rodrigue Rizk (Vice-Director)
Dr. Longwei Wang (Vice-Director)
Dr. Debesh Jha (Member)
Dr. Lina Chato (Member)